Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wealth is a fitnah, does that mean don't acquire it?

I read today in one of the muslim forums the familiar ayaat and hadith regarding wealth being a fitnah, I posted my own thoughts there and am repeating in more detail here. Yes, wealth is a fitnah or temptation/test but as i said in the forum so are a persons wife and children as per the verse in the Quran, does this mean that we should not get married or have kids, absolutely not, the verse goes on to mention "fear Allah" not "dont get married" etc. The point I am making is that the object of these warnings are not to stop us from acquiring those same things but rather an admonishment that we should not let these things make us stray from deen, if it can be said that excessive wealth will take a person away from deen then can it be said that excessive children can do the same? quite the contrary, in fact we are encouraged to have more children by our Prophet (SAW) so in the same way it is an erroneous belief that excessive wealth in and of itself will take a person away from Deen, in fact a person can be away from Deen even in poverty and reach high stages while being wealty, much of Islam was spread in the world when the people of other countries experienced the sound business dealings of muslims who travelled to those countries.

In conclusion my point is yes, wealth is a test, just like the world itself is, acquire it in the right way, spend it in the right way and don't let it stop you from practising on your deen.

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