Thursday, January 3, 2008

Do you live in a world of scarcity?

I did, but I have now realised that we actually live in a world of abundance.

This paradigm shift is simple but essential. If you think resources are scarce and hard to find (including money) then your thoughts will clothe themselves in their reality, you will see a world of scarcity, you will be afraid that someone is going to "steal your idea" or get the opportunities before you can. If you come from an Asian background like myself then you probably have some idea of what it is like to live in a densely populated area, where everyone seems to be fighting for "limited" resources or wealth. I was born in South Africa and grew up here just like my parents and their parents as well, yet the mindset still carried through even though the hectic marketplaces of India or another Asian city are rarely experienced here. So is wealth really scarce? No it isn't, there is enough to go around, in fact it is even mentioned in Hadith that a time will come when you will not find someone to give your charity to. Until you cannot experience this paradigm shift and realise the vastness of Allah's bounties jealousy cannot be eradicated, it is only human to desire the luxuries of this life and may Allah grant us the luxuries of both the worlds, Ameen, but in so desiring while believing that such luxuries are scarce jealousy is born, competition, rivalry and the like follow.

Just imagine now that your mindset changed to the mindset of abundance, who would you be jealous of? who could be jealous of you? anyone can have what they wanted, riches beyond measure because Allah's treasures are unlimited.

And to think I learnt this lesson from someone who is not even Muslim! When I started reading books on wealth and wealth creation and exposing myself to property websites etc I was surprised and to a certain extent dumbfounded by the nature of the individuals involved, they would share all their secrets of wealth creation without a hint of that common voice "they will steal your idea". I was suspicious at times, echoing the sentiments of the cynics who say "if it is so easy why don't they do it themselves, they are just making money off the books and seminars" but when you look into it, they are actually doing what they are saying (at least those who I am familiar with), the real reason they share is because they know that there is so much to go around it is not going to take anything away from them and there is so much to go around that they couldn't possibly take it all themselves anyway.

I invite you to enter the world of abundance, abundance of wealth, abundance of happiness, abundance of good, abundance of opportunity, abundance of whatever you desire. If you believe in abundance, you will see the world changing around you.

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