Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My definition of wealthy

After all that here is mine: when ones income from sources that a person does not have to work for oneself, is substantially more than ones expenses, at a level that a person is able to fulfill their dreams the person is now wealthy. So basically if a person only wants to live in a cosy hut that they own, only eat dates and water with a total expense of $5 a month and has a source of "passive" (dont have to work for it) income of $6 from renting another hut for example this person is now wealthy, agree? Of course most of us, myself included would prefer a seaside mansion, some fancy automobiles, a wad full of cash, a couple of holiday homes, three private jets, a helicopter, 24 servants and the ability to spend wherever it is good so we would need a little more than $6 of passive income. Passive income, it reverberates in my mind, money without working, the quintessential ingredient for wealth, an ever filling purse, a golden stream of coins pouring into ones pocket (aka bank account or wherever else you prefer to stash) that makes it necessary to spend and okay to spend and good to spend so that more can enter ones purse so more can be spent, invested, gifted, multiplied.

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